Husband: Joseph Voisin Second Great-grandfather | ||
Born: 05 May 1827 in Guewenheim, Haut-Rhin, Alsace, France 1 Married: Died: 24 May 1899 in Buffalo, Erie, New York 20 21 Father: Henry Joseph "Joseph" Voisin Mother: Anne Marie Ditner Spouses: Catherine Argus | ||
Wife: Catherina Koebel Second Great-grandmother | ||
Born: 23 December 1830 in Oberseebach, Bas-Rhin, France 22 Died: 08 September 1867 in Humberstone Township, Welland County, Ontario 25 Father: Joannes Adam Theobald "Theobald" Koebel Mother: Marie Anne Philipps Spouses: John Guitar | ||
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Joseph Voisin:
*RELN: 2GGF (4)
Immigration: 20 August 1832, New York, New York; Ship Groton from Le Havre July 3 2
Census: 1851, Willoughby Township, Welland, Ontario, Canada; Joseph Wison junr, laborer, born France, Catholic, 25 [~1827] 3
Article: About 1852, Snyder, Bertie, Welland, Ontario; Saint Joseph Catholic Church; Member of a prayer group 4
Occupation: 1863, Buffalo, Erie, New York; South Division Street, north of Jefferson Street; at car shop, NYCRR 5
Listed in the Buffalo City Directory as Joseph Woison.
Occupation: 1864, Buffalo, Erie, New York; Watson Street, north of Howard Street; Carpenter 6
Listed in the Buffalo City Directory as Joseph Woisin.
Occupation: 1865, Buffalo, Erie, New York; 45 Watson Street; Carpenter, NYC car shop 7
Listed in the Buffalo City Directory as Joseph Woisin.
Census: 15 June 1865, Buffalo, Erie, New York; Joseph Woisin, 38 [~1827], born Canada, carpenter, alien, framed house, worth $1,000 8
Occupation: 1869, Buffalo, Erie, New York; 107 Watson Street; Carpenter
Census: 10 June 1875, Buffalo, Erie, New York; Fifth Ward; Joseph Voisin, 47 [~1828], born France, carpenter in Buffalo, naturalized, owner of land, Framed house, worth $4,000 9
Occupation: 1880, Buffalo, Erie, New York; Carpenter, 232 Emslie 10 11
Census: 15 June 1880, Buffalo, Erie, New York; Emslie Street; Joseph Voisin, 51 [~1829], carpenter, born France, father France, mother France 12
Property: 28 December 1882, Willoughby Township, Welland, Ontario, Canada; Concession 2, lot 14, west half, 55 acres; Deed for land sold to John Lusch, $1600 13
Property: 28 December 1882, Willoughby Township, Welland, Ontario, Canada; Concession 2, lot 14, west half, 55 acres; Mortgage of John Lusch to be paid to Joseph Voisin, $1500 14
Property: 23 May 1884, Buffalo, Erie, New York; Emslie Street; Emslie Street, south of Howard Street, 30x123 feet, $1,700 15
On west side of Emslie Street, 128 feet south of Howard Street, 30 x 123 feet, George W. Schwartz to Joseph Voisin, $1,700.
Newspaper: 30 March 1888, Buffalo, Erie, New York; Emslie Street; Burglary at Voisin household 16
A Dog Detective
Archie Dick Confesses to a Burglary and Tells Where the "Swag" is Hidden.
With the assistance of a big Newfoundland dog, Lieut. Zacher of Precinct 8 has found the property stolen from Joseph Voisin's house on Emslie street. As stated in yesterday's News, Archie Dick was arrested on suspicion of being implicated in the burglary. He was assigned to a cell in Station 8, but nothing could be gotten out of him. Two doors from the station there lives the above-mentioned Newfoundland dog. He had a violent fit of howling yesterday. The wails were wafted on the afternoon wind through the station walls. Dick supposed that the police had arrested his mother and sister and that they were confined up-stairs. He thought the cries came from them, and on the appearance of Lieut. Zacher he made a full confession for the sake, as he thought, of liberating his relatives.
Specials Reibold and Christbaum found the "swag" secreted beneath the floor in the attic of Dick's house on Emslie street. About $75 worth of property was recovered. As Supt. Morin said this morning, "if it had not been for the dog, the property would not have been found."
Census: 16 February 1892, Buffalo, Erie, New York; Jos Voisen, 64 [~1828], born eur, citizen, carp 17
Occupation: 1893, Buffalo, Erie, New York; 198 Hoyt Street; Carpenter, LS & MS [Lake Shore and Michigan Southern] Railway Shops 18
Property: 18 January 1893, Willoughby Township, Welland, Ontario, Canada; Concession 2, lot 14, west half, 55 acres; Discharge of mortgage paid by John Lusch. 19
Catherina Koebel:
*RELN: 2GGM (4)
Ceremony: 22 March 1849, Snyder, Bertie, Welland, Ontario; Saint Joseph Catholic Church; baptismal sponsor 23
Confirmation: 27 October 1853, Snyder, Bertie, Welland, Ontario; Saint Joseph Catholic Church 24

- "Etat Civil and Registres Paroissiaux," database, Departmental Archives of Haut-Rhin, Archives départementales du Haut-Rhin (http://www.archives.haut-rhin.fr/: accessed). [60], Downloaded; 10 December 2017; Guewenheim, Joseph Voisin, No. 16, 5 May 1827, image 117 of 382.
- Passenger Lists of Vessels Arriving at New York, New York, 1820-1897, microfilm publication Series M237 (Washington, DC: National Archives and Records Administration, 1962). [491], Groton; 20 August 1832; Voisin, image 515 of 852; Roll 017 - 13 Jun 1832-29 Sep 1832 > image 515 of 852.
- 1851 Census, Canada West, Willoughby Township, Welland County, Ontario, Canada, district Willoughby Township, Welland County; digital images, Library and Archives Canada, Censuses (http://www.bac-lac.gc.ca/eng/census/Pages/census.aspx: accessed). [171], Page 17 or 9; Lines 16 - 20; Joseph Wison; downloaded; 12 December 2017.
- Saint Joseph Catholic Church, of Black Creek, of New Germany, of Snyder, Ontario. [530], Confirmations, 1853-1899 Burials, 1853-1889 Confirmations, 1959-1982 Deaths, 1946-1983 Burials, 1853-1889, 1890-1911 First communions, 1946-1983 Sacred Heart League, 1875-1892, Film 1404212, Confraternitas filialis, Image 96 of 100, (https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-CS5H-M9YS-V?i=95&cat=392159 : downloaded 23 May 2023).
- A Directory for the City of Buffalo (Buffalo, New York: L. P. Crary, Various dates); images, New York Genealogy, NY Genealogy (https://newyorkgenealogy.org/erie/buffalo-new-york-city-directories-1828-1893.htm: accessed. [235], viewed; 8 November 2019.
- Ibid., viewed; 8 November 2019.
- Ibid., viewed; 8 November 2019.
- 1865 New York State Census, Buffalo, Erie, New York; digital images, FamilySearch (http://FamilySearch.org: accessed); Secretary of State. State Library, Albany. [182], Ward 5; 3; Page 36 or 37; House 231, Family 275; Joseph Woisin; Downloaded; 20 December 2017.
- 1875 New York State Census, Buffalo, Erie, New York; digital images, FamilySearch (http://FamilySearch.org: accessed); Secretary of State. State Library, Albany. [193], 7, Ward 5; Page 22; Dwelling 153, Lines 20 - 22; Joseph Voisin; Downloaded; 20 December 2017.
- 1880 Census, Buffalo, Erie, New York; digital images, World Vital Records (http://www.worldvitalrecords.com/: accessed). [194], 135, Supervisor's District 11; Page 46; Emslie St., House 232, Dwelling 408, Family 750; Joseph Voisin; Downloaded; 19 December 2017.
- Courier Company, The Buffalo Directory (Buffalo, Erie, New York: Courier Company of Buffalo, 1880); digital images, Google, Incorporated, Google Books (https://books.google.com/books?id=J18hAQAAMAAJ: accessed. [303], Downloaded; 22 December 2017; Page 645.
- 1880 Census, Buffalo, Erie, New York; digital images, World Vital Records (http://www.worldvitalrecords.com/: accessed). [194], 135, Supervisor's District 11; Page 46; Emslie St., House 232, Dwelling 408, Family 750; Joseph Voisin; Downloaded; 19 December 2017.
- Land records of Welland County [Ontario], 1796-1922, FamilySearch (https://www.familysearch.org/search/catalog/274454). [417], Willoughby Township, v. E (573-854) 1877-1881; v. F (855-1195) 1881-1886; v. G (1196-1433) 1886-1889, Joseph Waisain to John Lusch, 28 Dec 1882, #990, (https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-C3HV-ZS33-W?i=498&cat=274454 : downloaded 1 Apr 2023).
- Ibid., Willoughby Township, v. E (573-854) 1877-1881; v. F (855-1195) 1881-1886; v. G (1196-1433) 1886-1889, Mortgage, Joseph Waisain to John Lusch, 28 Dec 1882, #991, (https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-C3HV-ZSWM-W?cat=274455 : downloaded 1 Apr 2023).
- Buffalo (New York) Express; online archives (http://www.fultonhistory.com/Fulton.html: accessed). [7], Real Estate Transfers; Notice; 23 May 1884; Downloaded; 22 December 2017.
- Amherst (New York) Bee; online archives (http://www.fultonhistory.com/Fulton.html: accessed). [1], A Dog Detective; Article; 30 March 1888; Burglary of Voisin household; Downloaded; 22 December 2017.
- 1892 New York State Census, Buffalo, Erie, New York; digital images, FamilySearch (http://FamilySearch.org: accessed); Secretary of State. State Library, Albany. [208], Ward 10; 1; Page 16; Jos Voisen; Downloaded; 29 December 2017.
- Courier Company, The Buffalo Directory (Buffalo, Erie, New York: Courier Company of Buffalo, 1893); digital images, Google, Incorporated, Google Books (https://books.google.com/books?id=IWchAQAAMAAJ: accessed. [304], Downloaded; 22 December 2017; Page 1145.
- Land records of Welland County [Ontario], 1796-1922, FamilySearch (https://www.familysearch.org/search/catalog/274454). [417], Willoughby Township, v. G (1433-1527) 1889-1890; v. H (1528-1894) 1890-1894; v. I (1895-2340) 1894-1900; v. J (2341-2485) 1900-1902, Mortgage discharge, Joseph Voisin to John Lusch, 18 Jan 1893, #1751, (https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-C3HV-8SZN-9?i=300&cat=274454 : downloaded 1 Apr 2023).
- "Buffalo (New York) Death Index 1852-1944," digital images, Internet Archive, Internet Archive (https://archive.org/details/buffalodeathinde: accessed); citing Reclaim the Records. [42], Viewed; 31 December 2017; Buffalo NY Death Index 1897-1902, Joseph Voisin, Volume 35, Number 342, Year 1899, Page 854, Image 1025 of 1140.
- "New York, Lackawanna, Holy Cross Cemetery Records, 1855-1965", database, FamilySearch. [102], (https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:ZFWP-ZXPZ : 22 May 2020), Joseph Voisin, 24 May 1899.
- Archives Départementles du Bas-Rhin (https://archives.bas-rhin.fr/). [257], Oberseebach - Etat civil - Registre de naissances 1830 - 4 E 351/3, Catherine Koebel, # 1663, Image 18 of 23, (https://archives.bas-rhin.fr/detail-document/ETAT-CIVIL-C595-P1-R208956#visio/page:ETAT-CIVIL-C595-P1-R208956-2284439 : downloaded 25 May 2023).
- Saint Joseph Catholic Church, of Black Creek, of New Germany, of Snyder, Ontario. [530], Baptisms, 1849-1983, Baptism of Catharina Keatting, 22 March 1849, Image 11 of 206 (https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-CS54-P77S-6?i=10&cat=392159 : downloaded 25 May 2023).
- Ibid., Baptisms, 1849-1983, Confirmation, 27 October 1853, Image 17 of 206 (https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-CS54-P77Q-W?i=16&cat=392159 : downloaded 25 May 2023).
- Ibid., Confirmations, 1853-1899 Burials, 1853-1889 Confirmations, 1959-1982 Deaths, 1946-1983 Burials, 1853-1889 (another copy), 1890-1911 First communions, 1946-1983 Sacred Heart League, 1875-1892, Deaths, Cath. Guitar, 1867, Image 13 of 100, (https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-CS5H-M9Y3-R?i=12&cat=392159 : downloaded 25 May 2023).
- Ibid., Baptisms, 1849-1983, Film 1404210, Baptism of Joseph Voisin, 1855, Image 18 of 206, (https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-CS54-P77S-S?i=17&cat=392159 : downloaded 23 May 2023).
- Michigan Michigan History Foundation, "Death Records, 1897-1920," death certificates, Seeking Michigan (http://seekingmichigan.org/: accessed). [450], downloaded; 30 October 2009; Joseph Voison, June 2, 1916.
Quality: 3.
Citation: Mike Voisin, iSeeAncestors (https://iSeeAncestors.com/tree/groups/public/grp00008.php : revised June 12, 2023), Joseph Voisin & Catherina Koebel.
Revised: June 12, 2023
Copyright © 2000-2023 Mike Voisin. All rights reserved.