000960: Newspaper Article
About 01 May 1961
Ernest Joseph Voisin [00006] was featured in a newspaper article, with photograph, about his sixty-first birthday celebration. He worked as a custodian at Kinney Elementary School in Mount Pleasant, Isabella, Michigan.
Source: "Kinney 'El' Custodian Honored," article with picture, Local-area Newspaper, Mount Pleasant, Isabella Michigan, circa 1 May 1961, sixty-first birthday celebration at Kinney Elementary School.
Kinney 'El' Custodian Honored
Veteran Kinney elementary school custodian, Ernie Voisin, became "King For A Day" Friday when teachers and staff members at the Mt. Pleasant school honored him with a surprise birthday party.
Voisin was presented with a large number of gifts, a big birthday cake, and was crowned with a special head-dress designating him "King For A Day."
In addition to his many gifts, Voisin, who gave his age as a "Jack Benny 39." received a sincere vote of thanks from teachers at Kinney for his long and devoted service to the school. A spokesman for the teachers said; "Ernie has a wonderful sense of humor, without sarcasm. He can see things to do, and does them without being asked. His manual dexterity transforms useless objects and waste materials into needed book shelves, racks, easels, cages, cases for charts, standards for globes, unique bird feeders, window shelves, and many other useful teaching aids which help every teacher and child do better work. Teachers have remarked, If Mr. Voisin can't repair it, then it needs to be thrown away.' A most efficient mileage of tax money is found here at Kinney because of Mr. Voisin's dedicated service.
"Living constructively, and being alert to doing helpful things appears to have become a habit. He has become a landmark, and if not around, is missed most, because of his quiet modest way of being so competent and helpful. Mr. Voisin's unusual ingenuity and personal philosophy ranks him among the best and most loved custodians."
[Picture with caption:] "KING FOR A DAY" at Kinney elementary school was custodian Ernie Voisin, when teachers and staff at the local school honored him at a surprise birthday party Friday. Presenting him with a chocolate birthday cake is Mrs. Fern Sagamall, a cook at Kinney's hot lunch kitchen.
Citation: Mike Voisin, iSeeAncestors (https://iSeeAncestors.com/tree/groups/public/media/si-f4300-i6-09.php : revised June 12, 2023), Gallery.
Revised: June 12, 2023
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