Feb 152016

Yuncker BuildingIn another post I described the accomplishments of my great-granduncle, John E. Yuncker, who owned J. E. Yuncker Music Company in Los Angeles.  His wife Bessie (Zander) Yuncker was an accomplished pianist and music teacher.  She died in December 1962, a mere month after her husband died.

A couple years later, Bessie is mentioned in connection with a new American Red Cross Service Center.  In her will, she donated over $200,000 to the Red Cross for the express purpose of buying land, constructing and furnishing the new center.1  That was over two-thirds of the project’s cost.  Today that would be about $1.5 million dollars.

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  1. “Red Cross Will Have New Center,” article, Torrance (California) Press-Herald, 27 December 1964; online archives (http://www.torranceca.gov/libraryarchive/ : downloaded 13 February 2016).